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KEYTAG Key Holder 皮革鑰匙吊牌

Regular price
NT$ 500.00
Regular price
NT$ 0.00
Sale price
NT$ 500.00

KEYTAG (2021) Leather Key Holder

S-DSCF9725-1      S-DSCF9724-1


我們珍視每個日常物件存在的意義,KEYTAG 保留被署名的可能性之餘,將溫度與實用性注入物件,重塑鑰匙吊牌的樣貌及型態,以設計催生原生物件的進化。

Plastic key tags are commonly used in Taiwanese daily life but have received so little aesthetic attention that they are simply a bore.

Commonly found in rental properties and homes for sale, these plastic key tags boast a minimalist design. Despite their widespread use in daily life, they are often regarded as undefined, temporary items without an owner.

Viewing all everyday items as precious, we have pushed KEYTAG to evolve through design and a change of material. You may not only put labels on them but also enjoy the sense of warmth they emanate.

工藝師 Artisan /  材質 Material /  設計年份 Design Year 

@wei_tachun 大鈞, 義大利植鞣牛革 Italian Vegetable-Tanned Leather不鏽鋼 Stainless Steel, (2021)

・2022 臺灣文博會 Creative Expo Taiwan

尺寸 Dimension: 107mm x 25mm


〔 本作品常備現貨 〕現貨 2-5 個工作日寄出,部分作品採「預訂製作」約需等待 7-21日 工藝製作時間,謝謝您耐心等候工藝堆疊的過程。  

急件、等待日、特殊需求,歡迎聯繫 Instagram @theweicraft 詢問現況製作時程。 

For items in stock, expect shipping within 2-5 business days. Made-to-order works may take 7-21 days for crafting. Thank you for your patience. 

For urgent orders, specific waiting times, or special requests, please feel free to contact us on @theweicraft to inquire about the current production schedule.


Crafted items are not eligible for return or exchange due to individual preferences or natural marks on the leather.